Foam cleansing Reinigungsschaum
Fresh foam cleansing using the unique oxygen supply technology of ion soil
How to use: Pump your palms once or twice before washing your face, take out an appropriate amount and use it when washing your face.
Skin type: Possible for all types
Volume: 150ml / 200ml
Main ingredients of foam cleansing
Coco Glucoside
- the condensation reactant of coconut alcohol and glucose
- Natural nonionic surfactant derived from coconut oil and fruity sugar ingredients
major efficacy
- It feels smooth and can be used on sensitive skin
- Excellent cleaning without irritation helps maintain moisture even after cleaning
- Betaine is dissolved well in water, leaving a slight smell and sweetness.
- It also soothes and moisturizes the skin very well. (More powerful than glycerin)
- In addition, the stimulation reduction effect of reducing the irritability of ingredients in cosmetics raw materials by more than 3.5% on average,
- Anti-inflammatory effects that are essential for troubled and sensitive skin
Facial TonerNeutralisierendes Gesichtswasser
It contains fruit acid (AHA), which induces the neutralization of the PH-value of the skin and makes the skin fresher
How to use: After cleansing, wipe off the skin-makeup with cotton
Skin type: Possible for all types
Volume: 500ml/ 200ml
Main Ingredients of Facial Toner
- Alcoholic products make your skin fresh
- Purpose of mixing; Skin conditioning agent
- Mixing limit; 1% as a jinx
- Conditioning ingredients that energize the skin
- Regulates sebum secretion to prevent oily skin
- Helps relieve problematic skin due to skin irritation
- Skin soothing ingredients help relieve wounds
Moisturizing cream crèmeCrème
Moisturizing cream that adds moisture to dry skin
How to use: After washing your face, take out 1-2 drops and apply it to your face
Skin type: Effective for dry skin
Volume: 200ml
Main ingredients of moisturizing cream
- Myristyl alcohol is a vegetable fat alcohol that moisturizes and makes your skin smooth.
Eye gel cream Augen Gel-Crème
A cream that delivers moisture under and around the dry and tired eyes
How to use: Massage around eyes lightly with cream.
Skin type: Effective for dry skin
Volume: 50ml / 15ml
Basic Ampoule Wirkstoffkonzentrat
Ampoule that adds gloss and smoothness to dry skin
How to use: After washing your face, take out 1-2 drops and apply it to your face
Skin type: Effective for dry skin
Volume: 50ml / 30ml
Main ingredients of basic ampoules
Butylene Glycol
- In the cosmetics component dictionary, butylene glycol is defined as an aliphatic diol, and in the molecular structural formula, two OH alcohol groups are attached. Two large-particle alcohol groups act to attract moisture and moisturize the skin.
- It supplies moisture to the skin and inhibits moisture evaporation at the same time, and is used as a fragrance, skin conditioning agent, solvent, viscosity reducing agent, moisturizer, and preservative for mixing purposes.
UREA (Element)
- Nitrogen compounds released into urine as a decomposition product of proteins in animals. One of the most commonly used nitrogenous fertilizers synthesized from ammonia.
CITRIC ACID (Citric Acid)
- It is an organic acid used to control pH. It is primarily used to control the acid-alkali balance and has some properties of antioxidants and preservatives.
5% fruit acid PeelingFruchtsäurepeeling 5%
Peeling solution based on 5% fruit acid.
Use when you have trouble or pimples.
How to use: Take out the appropriate amount how much you want while washing your face and rub it on your face.
Skin type: Possible for all types
Volume: 50ml
Fruit acid 5% and 10% peeling main ingredients
AHA Fruit Acid Ingredients
- The AHA component in milk is called lactic, and glycolytic acid (glycolic acid - extracted from sugar cane) which has a smaller molecular size than lactic is widely used in cosmetics and skin care rooms. AHA is also found in fruits such as apples, tomatoes, and oranges.
- About 50% of the keratin layer of our skin is protein, and AHA softens the skin's keratin and induces elimination. When measuring meat, the same principle applies, such as grinding kiwi or pear to soften tough meat.
- The exfoliation of the stratum corneum does not simply remove dead deaddead skin cells, but also induces the production of baby cells in the basal layer of the skin, which essentially means returning to the baby's skin, not just peeling off the skin
Contains 10% fruit acid PeelingFruchtsäurepeeling 10%
Peeling solution based on 10% fruit acid. Used in case of severe flushing
How to use: Remove the amount you want while washing your face and rub it on your face.
Skin type: Possible for all types
Volume: 50ml
Fruit acid 5% and 10% peeling main ingredients
AHA Fruit Acid Ingredients
- The AHA component in milk is called lactic, and glycolytic acid (glycolic acid - extracted from sugar cane) which has a smaller molecular size than lactic is widely used in cosmetics and skin care rooms. AHA is also found in fruits such as apples, tomatoes, and oranges.
- About 50% of the keratin layer of our skin is protein, and AHA softens the skin's keratin and induces elimination. When measuring meat, the same principle applies, such as grinding kiwi or pear to soften tough meat.
- The exfoliation of the stratum corneum does not simply remove dead deaddead skin cells, but also induces the production of baby cells in the basal layer of the skin, which essentially means returning to the baby's skin, not just peeling off the skin
Peeling PowderPeeling Puder
Enzyme-based enzyme peeling. It's recommended for sensitive skin or people with light skin walls
How to use: Mix 1-2g peeling powder with tonic or water and wash your face
Skin type: Possible for all types
Volume: 75ml / 20ml
Peeling powder main ingredients
- Enzyme (amylase, glucoamylase, etc.) acts on the starch to break the bond and produce glucose
- It is a compound of various proportions of stearic acid, palmitic acid, and zinc, and contains 12.5 to 14.0% of zinc oxide. It is used as a dispersant.
- Application: Skin conditioner, hair conditioner, solvent
Ingredient Usage
- It decomposes old dead skin cells, has an excellent sebum control effect, cleans up waste matter in pores, soothes skin, improves skin problems, and makes healthy and smooth skin.
- It provides conditioning to the skin to help with soft and energetic skin care.
- It gives conditioning to the hair to make it healthy and prevent static electricity.
- It decomposes protein mixed with fatty acids and sebum in sweat to remove unpleasant collection and dirt.
- Tocopherol is an antioxidant component.
- It is a component that is contained a lot in vegetable oil and also prevents the spread of oil.
- The effect of cosmetics on the skin is antioxidant.
- Antioxidants are effective in preventing aging by preventing oxidation of the skin.
- Tocopherol is a product that contains a lot of vegetable natural oil and seems to have an excellent moisturizing effect.
- Tocopherol is an ingredient that has anti-inflammatory effects, skin regeneration, skin immunity enhancement, and skin health.